Make money while you’re sleeping, this statement does have a ring to it. But you might have thought it to be too good to be true. Well, because of the current technology, it has actually become possible. You could be at home, doing nothing and still you can make money.  

Of course, it is not the “get rich overnight” kind of scheme. Rather, you have to put in some time and effort at first in order to enjoy fruitful results later. But if you are wondering what are some of the effective and efficient ways of earning passive income, then keep reading this article because we have put together a list of some of the best online passive income ideas you can use to make money online. 

You could be enjoying your getaway trip up in the north and still earn a substantial income. Online passive business ideas are about providing you with convenient and easy ways to make money. However, you need to make sure you have access to an internet connection constantly wherever you are.  

For this, Smithville Customer Service does the trick since this fiber internet service is available countrywide and it continues to provide you decent connection, no matter where you live. All you need for it to function properly is a subscription. 

With that being said, without much further ado, let’s get started with our list. 

One of the most popular ways of generating passive income is creating an online course. Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare allow you to create a course consisting of audio and video content, along with textual material. After uploading it for learners to enroll themselves in, you can sit back and enjoy as the cash begins to flow in. 

In addition to this, you can also take advantage of the “freemium model”, which is essentially creating a course with limited material, and in order to unlock the rest of it, the students or learners will have to submit some fees. 

Most of the language teachers use this model to first advertise their content and then to attract more people to join their courses. 

  • Start Blogging

 The thing is, blogging does not help you generate cash instantly. It takes some time since you have to make your name in the market. Plus, you don’t typically get paid to write general content. Instead, it is more like an affiliate marketing kind of thing, where you get yourself sponsorships. In return, you get paid for said sponsorship.

Now, if you are new to the term affiliate marketing, then let us break it down for you. It is a process by which an affiliate (you) earns a commission for basically marketing a product or service of another company or person. 

  • Start a YouTube Channel 

YouTube is getting massive popularity due to the several opportunities it offers in terms of earning money. You can make videos on anything you are interested in, and you will be able to find an audience for it. 

In order to start earning money through YouTube, you need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year. Or you can have 1,000 subscribers with 10 million valid public Shorts views within the past 90 days. 

Once you have achieved either of these, you can apply to YouTube’s Partner Program and get your channel monetized. 

  • Write an eBook 

Do you have a good knowledge of grammar? Can you string together a sentence that can actually appeal to the readers? Well, here is your chance to utilize this skill by writing an eBook and selling online. Platforms like Amazon, Sellfy, Audible, etc., allow you to put your books for sale. 

The best thing about it is that you can continue to get a royalty from it every time someone buys it. Royalty is a sum of money you continue to receive whenever someone buys your product or service in the future. 

What’s more, even if you don’t want to write a full-fledged book, you can still write one with 30 to 50 pages. However, it should be compelling enough to attract its target audience. 

  • Publish Instagram Sponsored Posts 

If you already have an established audience/following on Instagram, then you might want to try your hands at publishing sponsored posts. These content pieces essentially endorse a particular product or service, just like affiliate marketing. The sponsors, in return, give you the commission for creating and distributing the content which promotes their business. 

Every time your follower buys a product using your code, you earn money off of it. However, just make sure you have added your email address in the bio so that the sponsors can contact you. 

The more sponsored posts you publish, the more passive income you will be able to make.

Key Takeaway

Passive income is rapidly grabbing the attention of people who look for other ways to generate extra cash. By taking advantage of the latest technology, you can also earn income, without having to leave your house or invest anything other than your hard work and time. 

So, check out the ideas we have mentioned in this article and pick one that interests you the most to generate a steady flow of cash apart from your regular job.